Catechists Needed!

Catechists Needed!

Listen Closely, THAT Might be the Call to Teach the Faith

We are in need of numerous volunteers, assistants, facilitators, and teachers in our K-8 Religious Education program.

Whether you have previous experience as a catechist or not, so long as you have the desire to spread and share your faith in the Church, and have heard and are answering the call, I want you in our classroom.

If interested PLEASE contact Michael McShane ( ) in the Christian Formation Office (302-644-7413) to express your desire and obtain a volunteer application . . . and know the joy & blessings you receive in this ministry are worth every minute. Don’t WAIT! Get involved today . . . numerous opportunities are available!!

The future of our faith lies with our children & a solid K-10 Religious Education program for our youth ensures a strong Catholic foundation for them as well as our faith community.

Download the Applicaton form Here


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