Finance Council

Finance Council


The Finance Council of St. Jude the Apostle Parish was formed to provide advice and counsel to our Pastor in all financial matters related to the parish. A monthly meeting is held to review all financial reports, ensure adherence to the annual budget and discuss any new developments that may impact the financial status of the Parish. In attendance at the meetings are the Pastor, Finance Council members, Business Manager, Development Director and Facilities Manager. After thoughtful and prayerful deliberation on all financial matters, the Pastor is ultimately responsible for all financial decisions made for the Parish.   

Mission Statement

The mission of the Parish Finance Council is to advise, assist and be a resource for our Pastor in overseeing and effectively maintaining the financial health and growth of this Roman Catholic community. Members of the Finance Council are active parishioners whose Christian vocation is to support and further God’s work in our Parish and Diocese by prayerful, practical stewardship of our parish finances.


The Pastor’s authority to act and make decisions on behalf of the parish is granted by Canon Law 532 and by the Bishop. The Finance Council acts as an advisory board to the Pastor. All decisions and recommendations made by the Finance Council must be approved by the Pastor before they are implemented in the parish.

Primary Responsibilities

  1. To oversee the preparation of the annual parish budget.
  2. To ensure that accurate and complete accounting records are maintained for all financial transactions in accordance with Diocesan policy and the Diocesan Parish Accounting Manual.
  3. To review and recommend the fiscal year Annual Financial Report that will be submitted to the Diocesan Finance Office after approval by the Pastor.
  4. To prepare and publish a Parish Annual Financial Report for promulgation to the parish community.
  5. To assure that the collection and deposit of all church funds are in accordance with good internal controls and Diocesan procedures.
  6. To monitor that surplus parish funds are invested safely and at prudent financial returns in accordance with the parish’s investment policy.
  7. To assist the Pastor and/or Pastoral Council as requested in developing salary and benefit policies for all parish employees.
  8. To evaluate and recommend to the Pastor regarding the needs and effectiveness of the weekly offertories and other fund-raising activities.
  9. To develop financial plans relating to new construction, repairs, renovations, equipment purchases and the repayment of parish debt.
  10. To provide the Pastoral Council with written financial reports at least quarterly.
  11. To assure that the parish is meeting all state and federal tax law requirements and that tax exemption documents are maintained for all church-owned properties.
  12. To assure that all parish assets are protected from loss or damage with appropriate insurance coverage.

Member Requirements

  1. Must be a registered member of the parish.
  2. Must practice the Catholic faith on a regular basis.
  3. Have the desire to make a positive impact on the parish.
  4. Capable of attending the monthly meetings and assisting with various budget, audit and capital investment related tasks. Additional time may be required for committee meetings and various other activities.
  5. Willing to commit to a three-year term.
  6. Have a working background in financial stewardship.
  7. Understand the role of prayerful discernment in the decision-making process.

New Members

To get started, contact the parish office or any member of the council to express your interest in serving God and his people as a new member of the Finance Council. Parishioners are asked to attend an initial meeting to observe the functioning of the council and to determine if they are interested and capable of serving. Ultimately, the pastor is responsible for appointing all new members to the Finance Council.


Finance Council Members

  Executive Committee Member Status Committee Liaisons
1 Fr. Brian Lewis President  
2 George Grasso Executive Officer Fundraising
      Annual Financial Report
3 Bob Clark Reg. Member Social Ministry Disbursements
      Pastoral Council Liaison
4 Pete Mattson Reg. Member Fundraising
5 Dave Chernuta Reg. Member Weekly Offertory Count;  Parish Website
6 Bob Steinback Reg. Member Financial Reviews (Internal Audits)
7 Chas. Cate Reg. Member  
  Ex Officio Members Parish Position  
1 Bob Hearn Business Manager  
2 Jean Stewart Development Director  
3 Chuck Allen Facilities Manager  
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