



“The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue,


that I may speak to the weary a word that will rouse them” 


Isaiah 50:4


All Christians are, by definition, proclaimers of the good news. Because we were baptized into Christ’s life, mission, death, resurrection and ascension, we announce to the world be our very existence that “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” Some among us are called to minister the Word directly, to ensure that we will continue to hear God’s love spoken anew each time the sacred book is opened. These special people are called lectors.

Liturgical Role

When it comes to the function and role of a lector, there are three relevant documents.

Ministeria Quaedam , (MQ) the 1972 apostolic letter of Pope Paul VI, which established the ministries of lector and acolyte.

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal  (GIRM).

The General Introduction to the Lectionary (GIL).

The primary role of the lector is to proclaim the readings from sacred scripture, except for the gospel, in the Mass and other sacred celebrations (MQ 5, GIRM 99).  This is his proper function and should be exercised even when ministers of a higher rank are present (GIL 51).

The lector also recites the psalm between the readings when there is no psalmist (MQ 5, GIRM 196).

The lector presents the intentions for the general intercessions if there is no deacon and the intercessions are not being sung by a cantor (MQ 5, GIRM 197, GIL 53).

The lector may also read the proper antiphons at the Entrance and Communion if these are not being sung (GIRM 198).

The lector may also “direct the singing and the participation by the faithful” (MQ 5).

Qualities of a Lector

Ability to stand in front of people and be comfortable

Excellent reading and enunciation skills

Strong love of our Lord and for the Scriptures

Willingness to reflect upon and practice each reading

Desire to share the Word of God with our Community

Have received First Holy Communion

Time Commitment

Lectors are asked to practice readings, and to take the time to reflect upon the meanings of the words you will proclaim. Lectors are asked to serve in this ministry approximately twice every 6 weeks (i.e., one morning Mass and one evening Mass). 

For more information, or to begin your journey to lector, please contact Deacon Marty Barrett or call the Parish Office at 302 644 7300.

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