Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council

The Code of Canon Law (Canon 536) states that the bishop, after listening to his priests' council, may require that parishes in his diocese have pastoral councils. Such councils are to function according to the norms and guidelines established by the bishop. These indicate the bishop’s will for pastoral councils in the diocese. In the Diocese of Wilmington pastoral councils have been in place since the close of Vatican II. It is required that every parish in the Diocese of Wilmington has a functioning parish pastoral council. Each council is to have a constitution and a set of by-laws which are to be drafted according to these diocesan norms and guidelines.


Bylaws of the Pastoral Council

  • Purpose & Function:

    •  Help the pastor identify pastoral needs in the parish. 
    • Assist the pastor with planning pastoral programs and to improve pastoral services. 
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and services with a view to their improvement, or at times, their substitution or termination.
    •  Primary advisory body for the pastor. 
    •  Appointed by the pastor.
    •  Functions as the spokes in the wheel of the parish. 
    •  Stands ready to assist the pastor in any and all matters which are brought to its attention. 
    •  Offers opinions sincerely after careful thought, deliberation prayer and all times in a spirit of collaboration and charity. 
  • What Is Required To Be A Member Of The Pastoral Council?

    • Must be a confirmed member of the parish.
    •  Apply for membership on the pastoral council.
    •  Make a three year commitment
    •  Must be regularly practicing the faith
    •  Desire to make a change and/or impact the parish.
    •  Capable of writing reports from the various ministries.
    •  Familiarization with a computer.
    •  Capable of attending at least one monthly meeting
    •  Act as the liaison and/or ambassador from the pastoral council to other parish ministries.
  • Why be a member of The Pastoral Council?

    •  The privilege and honor to be selected to be an advisory voice to the pastor.
    •  Receive first-hand information regarding what is happening in the parish
    •  Be an Active part in the decision making for the future of the parish.
    •  Apply your God-given talents so that others may benefit. 


    The members of the Pastoral Council at St. Jude’s wish to thank each of you for taking your time to read this information. 

    We are always seeking new and future of the Pastoral Council. 

    We invite all members of the parish to attend our regularly scheduled meetings the third Tuesday of each month, starting at 6:30 P.M. in the Christian Formation Center.

    If there are any other questions that you may have, regarding the Pastoral Council, please contact any member of the Pastoral Council or the Parish Office.  

    There names are listed on the leadership board in the church vestibule. 

    May God Bless Us As We Move Forward!


 (Comprised of up to 12 adult members of the Parish, each serving a 3-year term)

Chair:  Fr. Brian Lewis

Ordained a priest of Jesus Christ by the Most Reverend W. Francis Malooly on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 8, 2013, Father Lewis has served as Parochial Vicar at St. John the Beloved Parish, St. Elizabeth Parish and St. Joseph on the Brandywine Parish, all in Wilmington, Delaware. Most recently, he was Administrator of St. Benedict-St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Ridgely and Denton, Maryland. Presently, he is pastor at St. Jude the Apostle Church in Lewes, Delaware.

Penny Olivi, Executive Officer       

I'm Penny Olivi.  I am the Executive Officer of the Pastoral Council at St. Jude the Apostle Church.  I have been on the Pastoral Council for 3 years and have been the Executive Officer for 2 years.  I will end my term on the Council in May of 2026.  I enjoy the work of the Council.  The Council members are wonderful, caring people who do so much for St. Jude's.  It is a pleasure to work with them.  My husband and I have been members of St. Jude's for about 4 years.  We moved here from Pennsylvania.  Our Parish was St. John the Baptist in New Freedom, PA.  When we moved to Lewes, we were going to visit several parishes and see where we felt comfortable.   Our first visit was to St. Jude's and we have been here ever since.  We felt welcomed.  We felt at home.  It is a wonderful parish full of amazing people.  Father Lewis is right when he says, "Saints in the Making!".

Lora Franceschina, Secretary

I was born in South Amboy NJ but was raised in Howell NJ where my family was a part of the St. Veronica’s parish community for over forty years.  At St Veronica’s I was a member of the Parish Pastoral Council for seven years.  And I represented St. Veronica’s as part of the Dioceses of Trenton’s Cohort 11 team (Three Parishes, One Community) for three years.  My husband and I moved to Milton Delaware five years ago and I work in Milford Delaware as a Business Analyst.  I have worked for over 30 years in several manufacturing companies developing skills in business processes and systems analytics.

Anne Galloway

I have lived in Lewes for about 3 years now.  My husband and I retired from our busy lives in Brooklyn, New York. I worked for a major financial Institution for over 37 years in the city where my focus was technology implementations from networks to cloud technology.  We moved to Lewes looking for a more relaxing lifestyle and was fortunate enough to have family and friends that also live here. I met Penny O. at a welcome breakfast for new parishioners and she convinced me that the Pastoral council and Executive committee were a good fit for me, and they are. Helping with recommendations so that the parish is successful is very fulfilling.

I am happy to be a volunteer at St Jude's the Apostle Church.

Anne Marth

My name is Anne Marie Marth and I have been a member of St. Jude the Apostle Church for the past ten years.  Prior to moving to Delaware, I am originally from Bethlehem, Pa, living there until my husband, Michael, and I married and moved to Nazareth, Pa, where we raised two children, Jessica and Timothy.  We vacationed in this area many years and decided to make Delaware our home in 2010.  Before retiring and moving here permanently, I was an elementary school teacher for both the Diocese of Allentown and Bangor Area School District.  I was active in my children's school, Holy Family of Nazareth, serving as treasurer for the home school association, and as an advocate for the children's choir.  I am privileged to be serving on St. Jude the Apostle Pastoral Council and I look forward to continue my term in the next two years.

Matt McConnell

My name is Matt McConnell, my wife and I moved to Lewes from the Annapolis, MD area in November of 2021. We have 3 grown children, a daughter and two sons, and became members of St. Jude the Apostle parish in December of 2021.

My participation in parish activities started back in 1985 when we lived in Kennebunk, ME. And belonged to St. Martha’s Parish. At St. Martha’s I was an usher, lector and served on the Parish Council for 3 years with the last year as Vice President. 

While in the Annapolis area for the past 13 years, my wife and I were members of Holy Family Parish where we were both active in the Parish. My wife was a Eucharistic Minister to the sick and homebound and I was involved as an Adoration Day Captain, an usher, a member of the Knights of Columbus, and a member of our parish prayer team ministry. 

I joined St, Jude’s Pastoral Council to try and continue giving back, and use my God given talents to act in an advisory capacity to our pastor and parish community to prayerfully identify, plan and coordinate pastoral activities and initiatives to help the spiritual growth of our wonderful parish. 

Pat O’Connor

My husband of 42 years, Roger, and I moved to Lewes from Wayne, NJ, in 2022.  I retired as Director of Pharmacy of 13 years from Christ Hospital in Jersey City, NJ.  Looking for a town in which to settle, we drove the entire Coastal Highway but nothing appealed to us until we drove over the overpass and saw St. Jude’s on a summer Saturday afternoon at 4PM.  I immediately knew this is where I wanted to live.  Being active in our previous Parish, Annunciation of the BVM Church and the Diocese of Paterson, as a lector, member of the Liturgy Committee, Pastoral Council (twice), involved with Pre Cana, Engaged Encounter, a Secretariat member of Cursillos in Christianity, service and the Church has always been at the center of my being.  We found a home at St. Jude’s, and Lewes was the place where we wanted to live.  An article in the bulletin asked for volunteers to join the Pastoral Council.  My hope is to humbly serve St. Jude’s in any way the Lord will use me.

Kathleen Ragolia

I was born in Dover, Delaware. After moving to the beach, I joined St. Jude in 2001. Since then, I have witnessed many changes, including: the change from Parish to Church, the renovation of the church, the additions of the Parish Life Center and Christian Formation Center, and the Adoration Chapel.  I have been a volunteer in the Adoration Chapel since its inception.  From my twenty plus years at St. Jude, I have received many blessings, and now I have a way to show my appreciation. I have joined the Pastoral Council to hopefully give back to the church that has given me so much.

John Urbanski

John and his wife Jackie moved from Findlay, Ohio to Dover, De in June 2019 from Findlay, Ohio.  Subsequently they moved to Lewes in September 2020 and became St. Jude parishioners. He was actively involved in his parish of 42 years in Findlay. John was a Parish Council Member, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, and Adult Choir Member over his years at St. Michael Church in Findlay.

John is currently a Lector and Eucharistic Minister in addition to Pastoral Council at St. Jude. He also 

Lawrence (Larry) Walton

I worked at the University of Maryland for over 40 years. Have been a very happy member of St. Jude the Apostle Catholic church for over 10 years. Joined the Pastoral Council to increase our parish Family unity, increase fellowship and assist our Shepard, Father Brian Lewes in guiding all parish members in the footsteps of Christ Jesus. It has been so very rewarding to be more involved in our parish family and our activities which are numerous. 

Reserve Members

 (Prepares for moving into a Pastoral Council Member role)

Edwin Hiebsch

I'm from central NJ Flemington.

I've Only been a register parishioner for 6 months or so but I have lived here for 12 years.

I volunteered for the council because I thought it was time to give something back to the parish

No prior council work

Frank Arena

Before I briefly tell you about myself, I would like to say that I am genuinely excited and most pleased to join the Pastoral Council to support and serve the people of St. Jude the Apostle in any way that I am able.

I am Frank Arena, and I am married to my dear wife, Marian, and my High School Prom Date. I will let you do the math…….

We have one daughter, Amanda, the Light of our Lives.

I grew up with my extended family in Brooklyn, New York and try to get back whenever I can to the OLD Neighborhood with the BEST NY Pizza and Italian Pastries! So now you know my weakness! Italian FOOD!

I am grateful for my catholic school education and admire the Dominican Sisters, Xaverian Brothers, and Jesuit Priests who put up with me from grade school to high school and through college at Fairfield University, Fairfield CT.

Upon graduation, I had the good fortune to leverage my Biology/Pre-Med Degree to land a Pharmaceutical Sales Job which turned out to be my life-long career. I earned my Masters in Public Administration at New Your University as a nighttime student.

My wife and I learned flexibility and adaptability as my employer asked us to relocate five times and we enjoyed living in New Jersey on three separate occasions, Chicago, and Cincinnati. Each time we would say…. God has a plan for us!

We moved to Lewes in 2020, and I retired at the end of 2024 after 50 years of service, and I am excited to write the next chapter through volunteerism and paying it forward at St. Jude the Apostle - a truly extraordinary faith-based community!

Jim Tevnan

Born in New Jersey, Bev and I have lived all over the country, after twenty years in Newtown, Connecticut, we moved here in 2020.

Past Grand Knight CT Council 185; Board Member Catholic Charities of Fairfield County; Cabinet member of Saint Jude Expansion; Observer at 4 PM Mass; Active member of Saint Jude Knights of Columbus

Ex Officio Members

(Denoting or relating to a member of a body who holds the role as a result of their status or another position they hold. Non-voting members.)


Deacon Al Barros - Clergy Representative

Deacon Al was born in Honolulu, HI, and raised in both Honolulu and Colorado Springs, CO.  He served 21 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring in 1998, and subsequently served 20 years for the federal government, retiring in 2018.  Deacon Al was ordained in June, 2010 at the Basilica of National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, for the Archdiocese of Washington.  Upon retirement, he moved to Milton, DE, and was subsequently assigned to St. Jude the Apostle Parish in July, 2018.

Bob Clark, Finance Council Liaison

Michael McShane, Christian Formation Leader

Chuck Allen - Facilities Representative

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